Give the Gift of Flavour
There’s nothing quite like introducing a loved one to a new flavour. We bet we can all remember a time we delighted someone we care about with a food they had never tasted before. And that’s really what it’s all about, right? Flavours last forever. They can create new memories and conjure old ones. So, it makes perfect sense to pack as much of that into the gifts you give this Christmas.
On top of that, cookbooks make excellent presents because there’s just so much use you can get out of them. And they’re great at getting the whole family involved. They’re often beautiful too. With all that in mind, here are three outstanding cookbooks that are guaranteed to go down well when it’s time for the unwrapping. Have a look:
Herman Lensing
Food is such an integral part of Christmas: gathering the family, sharing memories, and lovingly made meals is really what it’s all about. For that reason, Herman Lensing is the ideal person to add into the mix.
Lensing, who is also a well-loved television personality and the editor of Sarie Kos, is one of those chefs who really understands the deep connection between food and personal history. Community, connection and, of course, nostalgia are innately important to his recipes and his writing. With Nostalgie he concludes the trilogy that began with Huiskos and Dit Proe Soos Huis, a trio of books that tells the story of his life thus far with the help of the flavours, recipes and people that have meant the most to him. And with his help, there’s a good chance that this new book will inspire you to do the same along with the folks you love the most.
Nostalgie includes more than 80 recipes, all tied together with delightful anecdotes, and covers everything from lavish main courses to humble side dishes. And of course, there are plenty of holiday themed treats and desserts too. As Christmas gifts go, nostalgia and flavour are really a winning combination!
Kos is een van die meeste belangrikste dele van Kerfees. Almal dit ken. Saam te kom om herrineringe te deel en liefdevol gemaak etes to eet is net die beste. En vir hierdie rede is Herman Lansing die ideale persoon om saam te bring.
Lensing, wat ook ‘n geliefde televisiester en die redakteur van Sarie Kos is, is een van daardie sjefs wat regtig die diep verband tussen kos en persoonlike geskiedenis verstaan. Gemeenskap, koneksie en, natuurlik, nostalgie is ingebore belangrik vir sy resepte en sy skryfwerk.
Met Nostalgie sluit hy die trilogie af wat begin het met Huiskos en Dit Proe Soos Huis, ‘n trio boeke wat die storie van sy lewe dusver vertel met help van die geure, resepte en mense wat die meeste vir hom beteken het. En daar is ‘n goed kans Nostalgie sal jou inspireer om net dieselfde te doen.
Nostalgie sluit meer as 80 resepte in, almal saamgebind met heerlike staaltjies van Lensing se lewe. En dit dek alles van weelderige hoofgeregte tot nederige bykosse. Daar’s ook baie seisoonaal lekkernye en nageregte ingesluit. Soos Kersgeskenke gaan, is nostalgie en geur regtig ‘n wenkombinasie!

The South African Air Fryer Cookbook 2
Louisa Holst
Sadly, the Christmas elves can’t hang around all year to help out at meal times. They do have other commitments, after all. And that must be why someone invented the next best thing… the air fryer!
Aren’t air fryers fantastic? Some of us may never know how we got on without one. Incredible versatility, boundless possibilities. So boundless are the possibilities, in fact, that Louisa Holst had to write a second cookbook just to get close to writing down all her great air fryer ideas. And, unlike all those other ones floating around talking about ingredients and measurements that make no sense to us, this air fryer cookbook is local through and through.
Anyone can use an air fryer and everyone enjoys a delicious local favourite made even better by cutting down on time, mess and things that might go wrong. And that’s why this book will make an excellent present for… well, just about anybody you might care to give it to. Hey, it could even make Christmas dinner a bit easier: there’s a great recipe for gammon in here!
Also packed into this superb collection are failsafe recipes for such treats as Springbokkie cheesecake, pavlova, buttermilk rusks and mini fruit cakes and such winning meals and snacks as brandy-and-coke chicken wings, snoek and apricot samoosas, chicken peri-peri pie and even roast lamb. There are even easy meals that the kids can whip up for themselves. Anyone who’s ever thought they’d run out of uses for their air fryer didn’t see this one coming!
Ongelukkig,die Kersfees elwe kan nie altyd by wees om te help nie. Hulle is tog besig ouens. Maar gelukkig, as ons nie elwe kan hê nie, kan ons steeds die lugbraaier gebruik! En dit is eintlik amper so goed.
Is die lugbraaier nie absoluut fantasties nie? Daar is amper niks wat jy kan nie daarmee doen nie. Die moontlikhede is redelik eindeloos. Trouens, daar is so veel opsies en keuses dat sjef Louisa Holst moet ‘n tweerde boek skryf net om al die idees in te pak.
En anders as al daardie ander wat ronddryf en praat oor bestanddele en mates wat vir ons geen sin maak nie, is hierdie lugbraaier-kookboek heeltemaal local en lekker.
Enigiemand kan ‘n lugbraaier maaklik gebruik om heerlik local gunstelinge te maak. Dit spaar gemors, dit spaar tyd en dit kan jou definitief baie stres bespaar. En dit is hoekom hierdie kookboek is die perfekte geskenk vir omtrent enigiemaand vir wie jy een wil gee. Dit kan selfs Kersete vir jou ‘n bietjie makliker maak. Ja, daar is selfs ‘n resep vir gammon ingesluit.
Ook in hierdie uitstekend versameling verpak is resepte vir lekkernye soos Springbokkie-kaaskoek, pavlova, karringmelkbeskuit en mini-vrugtekoeke sowel as heerlike hoofmaaltye soos en happies soos brandewyn-en-coke hoendervlerkies, snoek en appelkoos samoesas, hoender peri-peri pastei en selfs gebraaide lam. En daar is simpel resepte wat die kinders vir hulle self kan maak sonder om die ouers te pla. As jy gedink het jy kan ooit sonder gebruike vir jou lugbraaier opraak… raai weer!

5 Ingredients Mediterranean
Jamie Oliver
The flavours of the Mediterranean are absolutely classic. Bold, vibrant, often simple to prepare and always satisfying, it’s a style always worth adding to your repertoire.
Jamie Oliver has made his career celebrating food that’s both simple and beautiful… and always with a focus on good company and times well-shared. Here he draws inspiration from his travels in the Mediterranean to bring us more than 125 recipes that showcase the versatility and sumptuousness of the region’s core ingredients.
Spread across packed chapters titled Salads, Soups and Sarnies, Pasta, Veg, Pies and Parcels, Seafood, Fish, Chicken and Duck, Meat and Sweet Things, standout recipes include: tender smoky aubergine, epic prawns & beans, rogue ratatouille risotto, sizzling squid, island salad, herby steak & crispy potatoes, and easy fig tart. There’s so much there you’ll have no trouble at all finding the perfect dish for any occasion. And the best thing is, Oliver understands that nothing should be getting in the way of a good meal shared with friends and family, so most of the recipes here are light on mess and washing up while remaining big on flavour. And at least half of the meals are either meat-free or meat-reduced.
For anyone looking to expand their repertoire in the kitchen, or even if they’re just looking for some new flavours to explore, 5 Ingredients Mediterranean makes for a cracking gift.