Application for Employment PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Please append a current photograph to this applicationMax. file size: 1 GB.Application for Employment (Please complete in your own handwriting,in ink) PERSONAL INFORMATIONSURNAME FIRST NAMES S.A. IDENTITY NO please attach a copy of your ID to this applicationMax. file size: 1 GB.RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS NATIONALITY STATUS, are you?S.A. CITIZENASSYLUM SEEKERREFUGEEOTHERplease supply certified copy of the appropriate documentationMax. file size: 1 GB.SARS INCOME TAX NO MARITAL STATUS DEPENDANTS CONTACTABLE TEL. NOsMobile noCONTACT / SPOUSE NAME Contact / Spouse NoE-MAIL ADDRESS PREFERRED SPOKEN / WRITTEN LANGUAGE DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN TRANSPORT? YES NO HAVE YOU MADE ANY PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS TO THE COMPANY ? YES No NAMES OF RELATIVES EMPLOYED CURRENTLY OR PREVIOUSLY BY THE COMPANY?HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US?NewspaperBargain Books websiteFacebookjob websiteGumtreein-store advertisementfriendfamilyLinkedinHAVE YOU EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIMINAL OFFENCE? YES NO DO YOU CONSENT TO BARGAIN BOOKS OBTAINING A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK? YES NO If yes, please give detailsHAVE YOU EVER REFERRED A MATTER TO THE CCMA FOR CONCILIATION/ARBITRATION? YES NO If yes, please give detailsARE YOU CURRENTLY RECEIVING MONIES, FROM THE GOVERNMENT, IN RESPECT OF A SOCIAL AND/OR OTHER GRANT? YES NO HAVE YOU EVER HAD A JUDGMENT (GARNISHEE ORDER, SECTION 58) REGISTERED AGAINST YOUR SALARY / WAGES? YES NO DO YOU CONSENT TO BARGAIN BOOKS OBTAINING A CREDIT REFERENCE FROM A CREDIT RATING AGENCY? YES NO ARE YOU CURRENTLY A MEMBER OF A UNION, OR HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY BEEN A MEMBER OF A UNION? YES NO EDUCATIONHIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED Qualification achieved Year TERTIARY INSTITUTION ATTENDED Diploma / Degree / Certificate attained Tertiary institution Year completed If not completed, why?COURSES(List courses attended, relevant to this job application)COURSEPRESENTERYEAR PRESENT and PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT DETAILS(list present / most recent employment. It is important that all previous employment is included)DATES (From) (To)EMPLOYERPOSITION HELDREASON FOR LEAVING (resignation,retire,retrenched,dismissed)REFERENCES : MANAGER / SUPERVISOR (With contact no:) HEALTHDo you have a record of serious or recurring illness which shall prohibit you from performing lawful and / or reasonable work functions in a book retail environment? YES NO If yes, please detailHave you consulted a doctor, attended hospital or ever received any treatment for back problems, which may prohibit you from performing lawful and/or reasonable work functions in a book retail environment? YES NO If yes, please detailHave you ever suffered an occupational injury? YES NO If yes, please detailAre you a smoker? YES NO Are you free of any form of addiction to alcohol or to any type of habit-forming drug, or any substance having a narcotic producing effect, socially or otherwise? YES NO If ‘no’, please detail (more specifically where prescribed by a medical practitioner)Should the position applied for, so require, do you consent to undergo a medical examination by a registered Medical Practitioner. Such test shall be for the purpose of assessing your current physical and mental ability, to perform the tasks required in the position applied for? YES NO EMPLOYMENT EQUITYBargain Books is a designated employment equity company and in an effort to comply with the company’s five year employment equity plan, please complete the section belowRace AFRICAN COLOURED INDIAN WHITE Gender FEMALE MALE Disability YES NO If ‘YES’, please provide detailsEMPLOYMENT DESIREDPosition applied for Specify hours available for each day of the week Full Time Part Time Seasonal DayMonTueWedThursFriSatSun Locations e.g. Lephalale, Ballito, Canal Walk, CenturionCurrent salary please attach copy of latest payslipMax. file size: 1 GB.Period of notice required to present employer PSYCHOMETRIC/BASIC TRAITS INVENTORY TESTSAs part of this application for possible employment at Bargain Books, more specifically for management positions, do you consent to undergoing a psychometric test and / or a Basic Traits Inventory test. Such tests shall be administered by a qualified psychometrist? YES NO The reports generated from such tests are confidential and shall remain the property of Bargain Books.PRE-EMPLOYMENT INTEGRITY AND/ OR TRUTH VERIFICATION TESTAs part of this application for possible employment at Bargain Books, do you consent to undergoing a pre-employment integrity test (polygraph test)and/ or truth verification test (voice stress polygraph), conducted by a qualified Psycho physiologist and/ or voice stress examiner* YES NO It is important to note that this test is used to test integrity and if you have been dishonest on this application form, or if you have benefitted from the theft of monies or goods in the past, deception shall be indicated and you shall not be considered for employment by Bargain Books. The result of such examination is confidential and shall remain the property of Bargain Books.DECLARATION“I certify that the foregoing is a full list of all former employers. I agree that Bargain Books and its servants and agents are at liberty to contact all or any such former employers for references about me. I accept that communications between Bargain Books and my former employers and replies from such employers are privileged and will not be disclosed to me under any circumstances. I declare that the above information is completed and correct. I understand that deliberate omissions or false information may lead to termination of any employment undertaken”Date MM slash DD slash YYYY